As the world becomes increasingly more crazy, and we hide in our houses from the outside world, your dark roots could be the last thing on your mind, BUT if those dark roots are driving you mad then here's some little tips for you...
Firstly, please dont reach for the box dye...
High lift box dye will not take into account the amount of warmth in your hair naturally, all hair will expose orange and yellow tones as it lightens to what we see is light enough to be a blonde. A dye that claims to be an Ash Blonde will not lift you to a beautiful creamy colour, it will just deliver a small amount of tone to reduce the brass slightly, but you will still look in the mirror and feel like a canary!!
When we use high lift colours in the salon, we rarely use one colour, we generally bespoke your lift with a variety of silver and violet tones (and occasionally even green tones!) to neutralise as your hair lightens and sometimes tone afterwards as well...clean blondes are not a one box wonder.
So how are we going to help you get through these next weeks if your roots are already looking drab?
Lets look at the positives, dark roots are on trend right now (thank goodness for Balayage!) and if you have purple shampoo you can use this similar to a colour. Most blondes are more porous on the ends, this means that the shampoo will grab the ends making your root areas look more yellow, so apply the shampoo without making a lather to the roots on the top of your hair (or anywhere that feels more brassy) including your dark roots and wait 2-5 minutes before creating a lather and rinsing away. The result I expect this to give you is a smudged root look in a translucent way, blending your roots slightly. Start by only leaving on for the lower time and if not enough leave it longer next time.
Remember always that blondes look better when they are clean, although if you are anything like me, washing my hair has not been top of my priority list, with homeschooling and reducing overheads (all good in the long run..). I know that when my roots need doing and if my hair is nearing shampoo day it looks dull and lifeless but as soon as I wash it the colour comes back to life.
Final tip for today... Get some talc on your next outing, I'd get it sooner rather then later as when all the not natural blondes realise this, it will be more illusive then toilet roll!! If your roots are dark, try sprinkling a little bit of talc on your parting, you will soon realise the right amount for you. The talc softens the dark and because it is white it can neutralise some of the yellow tones that pop out when your colour gets closer to needing doing. Added bonus is that it also soaks up some natural oil, acting like a dry shampoo, but be aware it can take a couple of shampoos to come out so thorough cleansing is essential.
I'm hoping this information will help you wait for us, but of course as soon as we are back open we will be on hand to help correct any mishaps during the outbreak!